Saturday 11 February 2012

The week for complaints

The worst thing about being in a customer service environment where you are selling a third party product is that sometimes situations are just beyond your control. Just recently someone gave me an example of Richard Branson going that extra extra mile for a dissatisfied customer and upon just doing a little research I found that when people do receive above and beyond truly excellent customer service they absolutely rave about it! This work of mouth personal commendation of a company is worth more than any marketing campaign so why do companies insist on getting it so wrong!! Why when mistakes are made do companies put barriers in the way when dealing with and solving complaints? Surely it's common sense that the number 1 rule is keep your customers happy. As a third party selling a product it is very difficult sometimes to be the middle man and to watch this appalling service dealt out to our mutual customers. If it was my product with my own customer values these kind of situations would never become escalated. When was the last time you experienced an outstanding example of customer service? I am sure not as recently that you have groaned and complained about lack of even a standard level of service! We have some lovely customers and frequently get recommendations and referrals, our customers write to us and bring us gifts because of our exceptional service but what a Shame that sometimes that is tainted by us being a third party and having to rely on service which is sometimes substandard. Come on businesses pull your socks up and get not just up to standard but WOW your customers it's really not that hard!

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