Monday 13 February 2012

Commumication Error.....

Communication is the word of the day today!! I have been on numerous leadership courses as well as completing ILM management course completing assignments on Commuincation and my rule number 1 is you cannot over communicate... then BANG just when I think I have cracked it, it pops up again!

Just because you think that you have communicated something enough your probably wrong...

Keep communicating your message over and over so long as the communication that you are sharing is timely and relevent to your audience shout your message OUT LOUD and REPEAT,REPEAT, REPEAT!

We must have all come accross a time when we could have communicated better, or more frequently when someone has said to you "I didnt even know about that" and you have honestly thought you left no stone unturned and were certain that you had all angles covered.. The thing is that you probably did communicate your message but maybe just maybe at the time of the communication it was not relevent or timely to your audience!

By using every available source of communication you can cut down these "Blind Spots" that we sometimes unwittingly neglect.

My new method of communicating my message includes using all available communication sources. Sending 1 email is far less effective than for example:

* Emailing, then also following up with a phone call, and then pop something in the post to back this up.
* Putting up a poster in the office? Then also send an internal e mail, and leave a post it note on the desk and tell your colleagues.
* If you have something to tweet about, pop it on linked in and Facebook, tie it all in and spread your message, use follow up tweets at regular intervals. 

My new mission is to cover all "Blind Spots" this way all of my communications will reach my intended audience and they will feel wanted, included and NEVER neglected!!!  

Spread the love with Communication...........


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