Tuesday 6 March 2012

Deadlines get stuff done

I have become a true believer in setting firm deadlines from reading Botty's Rules, this is one (not the only) but the one work/life changing rule which I have implemented and am sticking to!

In my new role I have been given the challenge of showcasing a product which I am rapidly getting up to speed with which I have been meaning to do with all good intentions for a while.  I have now been set a date to demo the product and by gosh this has now set my wheels in motion!! I have managed to complete all of the training, tests, demo info, presentations and review all of the FAQ in an extremely short space of time, albeit I have made the time for this project but this is the point that unless we make the time and set specific deadlines many of our projects will linger on and maybe never come to fruition!

How many times have we thought "I will look at that later" or "I have been meaning to do that" because there is no urgency so the message is push yourself and create that urgency you will be amazed at what you can achieve in a very short space of time once you have no option!!

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