Tuesday 14 February 2012

The V Word

I could not get to the end of the day and not even mention the V word could I?

Well there is definately no escaping it even if I wanted to! (which I don't I love valentines day) I love the whole feel good factor and the run up to the day, how great to have something to Celebrate!!  Although there a few I know who would rather hide away for the day and pretend its just another day...

But even if your not in a romantic at heart and you don't have a secret admirer to send you flowers and gifts, you cannot deny the fact that it is a fantastic tool for marketing your business! "The V word" gives us an excuse to shout about something, to include and unite people for the one day, it gives us (or a percentage of us) something in common for a day.  It gives us the opportunity to create that special offer, send that e mail, tweet that tweet #CupiDD  is the hashtag of the moment closely followed by Happy Valentines Day and #IfYouAreSingle

I have seen offers on speed dating, Love cocktails, amorous Menu's and free ice Skating to mention a few, it has given us a free reign today to touch base with our customers and send out our message surrounded by a real feel good factor.

Smart thinking businesses have asked their customers to spread some love and requested a testimonial for their company (what a brilliant use of available tools) So if you have not taken advantage of today and have hidden yourself away in denial of the day you have missed out on a great opportunity to get your name out there and spread a bit of your businesses love.....       
PS its Easter soon so get planning!!!

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