Tuesday 6 March 2012

Deadlines get stuff done

I have become a true believer in setting firm deadlines from reading Botty's Rules, this is one (not the only) but the one work/life changing rule which I have implemented and am sticking to!

In my new role I have been given the challenge of showcasing a product which I am rapidly getting up to speed with which I have been meaning to do with all good intentions for a while.  I have now been set a date to demo the product and by gosh this has now set my wheels in motion!! I have managed to complete all of the training, tests, demo info, presentations and review all of the FAQ in an extremely short space of time, albeit I have made the time for this project but this is the point that unless we make the time and set specific deadlines many of our projects will linger on and maybe never come to fruition!

How many times have we thought "I will look at that later" or "I have been meaning to do that" because there is no urgency so the message is push yourself and create that urgency you will be amazed at what you can achieve in a very short space of time once you have no option!!

Tuesday 14 February 2012

The V Word

I could not get to the end of the day and not even mention the V word could I?

Well there is definately no escaping it even if I wanted to! (which I don't I love valentines day) I love the whole feel good factor and the run up to the day, how great to have something to Celebrate!!  Although there a few I know who would rather hide away for the day and pretend its just another day...

But even if your not in a romantic at heart and you don't have a secret admirer to send you flowers and gifts, you cannot deny the fact that it is a fantastic tool for marketing your business! "The V word" gives us an excuse to shout about something, to include and unite people for the one day, it gives us (or a percentage of us) something in common for a day.  It gives us the opportunity to create that special offer, send that e mail, tweet that tweet #CupiDD  is the hashtag of the moment closely followed by Happy Valentines Day and #IfYouAreSingle

I have seen offers on speed dating, Love cocktails, amorous Menu's and free ice Skating to mention a few, it has given us a free reign today to touch base with our customers and send out our message surrounded by a real feel good factor.

Smart thinking businesses have asked their customers to spread some love and requested a testimonial for their company (what a brilliant use of available tools) So if you have not taken advantage of today and have hidden yourself away in denial of the day you have missed out on a great opportunity to get your name out there and spread a bit of your businesses love.....       
PS its Easter soon so get planning!!!

Monday 13 February 2012

Commumication Error.....

Communication is the word of the day today!! I have been on numerous leadership courses as well as completing ILM management course completing assignments on Commuincation and my rule number 1 is you cannot over communicate... then BANG just when I think I have cracked it, it pops up again!

Just because you think that you have communicated something enough your probably wrong...

Keep communicating your message over and over so long as the communication that you are sharing is timely and relevent to your audience shout your message OUT LOUD and REPEAT,REPEAT, REPEAT!

We must have all come accross a time when we could have communicated better, or more frequently when someone has said to you "I didnt even know about that" and you have honestly thought you left no stone unturned and were certain that you had all angles covered.. The thing is that you probably did communicate your message but maybe just maybe at the time of the communication it was not relevent or timely to your audience!

By using every available source of communication you can cut down these "Blind Spots" that we sometimes unwittingly neglect.

My new method of communicating my message includes using all available communication sources. Sending 1 email is far less effective than for example:

* Emailing, then also following up with a phone call, and then pop something in the post to back this up.
* Putting up a poster in the office? Then also send an internal e mail, and leave a post it note on the desk and tell your colleagues.
* If you have something to tweet about, pop it on linked in and Facebook, tie it all in and spread your message, use follow up tweets at regular intervals. 

My new mission is to cover all "Blind Spots" this way all of my communications will reach my intended audience and they will feel wanted, included and NEVER neglected!!!  

Spread the love with Communication...........


Saturday 11 February 2012

The week for complaints

The worst thing about being in a customer service environment where you are selling a third party product is that sometimes situations are just beyond your control. Just recently someone gave me an example of Richard Branson going that extra extra mile for a dissatisfied customer and upon just doing a little research I found that when people do receive above and beyond truly excellent customer service they absolutely rave about it! This work of mouth personal commendation of a company is worth more than any marketing campaign so why do companies insist on getting it so wrong!! Why when mistakes are made do companies put barriers in the way when dealing with and solving complaints? Surely it's common sense that the number 1 rule is keep your customers happy. As a third party selling a product it is very difficult sometimes to be the middle man and to watch this appalling service dealt out to our mutual customers. If it was my product with my own customer values these kind of situations would never become escalated. When was the last time you experienced an outstanding example of customer service? I am sure not as recently that you have groaned and complained about lack of even a standard level of service! We have some lovely customers and frequently get recommendations and referrals, our customers write to us and bring us gifts because of our exceptional service but what a Shame that sometimes that is tainted by us being a third party and having to rely on service which is sometimes substandard. Come on businesses pull your socks up and get not just up to standard but WOW your customers it's really not that hard!

Friday 10 February 2012

Finalist in the Agent Achievement Awards 2012

Great news this morning the votes have been counted we here at Kanoo Travel have been selected as a finalist in the following 2012 Agent Achievement Awards categories

·                     Scotland Agent of the Year – Large Agency
·                     North West England and North Wales Agent of the Year – Large Agency
·                     South West England and South Wales Agent of the Year – Large Agency

The full list of finalists will be published in Travel Weekly on 23 February and can be seen on the website www.kingley.co.uk next week.

The Winners will be announced at the Awards Dinner on Monday 26 March so watch this space!!!

Thursday 9 February 2012

Early start this morning, to attend the Get Manchester Business Booming through the Entrepreneurs Circle membership, Sam Flynn is the driving force behind these meetings and a great positive influence.  met some true entrepreneurs who are achieving great successes within their own businesses.

I am living and breathing Nigel Botterills Botty's rules at the moment, with his CD in my car, checking out the menbers website at every opportunity I was even reading his book in the bath last night!! (Which I voted for him today in the small business book awards) he is donating all proceeds to charity and an extra £1 for everyone who votes for him he is like me HATES TO COME 2nd in anything!

Met up with paul from Transmission Creative who has kindly forwarded me a link for my local school venture, so helpful its lovely when someone takes the time out to help you like that.

Forwarded a link to my good friend Helen today about being wonderwoman, striving for perfection...

Well i finished the day with business cards all over my desk ready to "follow up" so that's the 1st task tomorrow!

Sure my day will end falling alseep reading Botty's Rules again!